Right before we went out for the 20 mile run before Boston, one of the women asked me what my pace time was. I told her all I wanted was to finish. She looked at me funny, laughed and said I could run with her group. About five and a half hours later I met her back on the bus. I had finished about two and a half hours earlier and was trying to get my hands to work again. She was confused because before we went out I had told everyone that I would probably be dead last. I had no idea of how fast I could run and running for the first time in a group of runners I was sure I would look like a fool. That day I ended up being the second girl to finish. This is when I learned that there is a whole dictionary full of terms just for running. Needless to say I had a lot to learn.
When training clearly you can become obsessed with timing. Everyone's goal is to finish as fast as they can. You spend months training just to cross the finish line that day. I train on my own. Running for me started out as a way to lose weight and ended up being my sanctuary. When I go out for a run, I just go and run. I usually have a particular distance in mind, but sometimes you feel really good and keep running. Other times you crawl to end of your mileage. There are various types of runs. Short, medium and long runs. Short runs are usually for speed and power. This helps build endurance and helps with your split time. Split ime is your pace per mile. Basically you go balls to the wall. When I started running I had no clue but I was already mastering this art on the treadmill. I hate treadmill running but when you live in the land of snowstorms, you get used to the piece of crap. I would get on the treadmill, warm up for a mile then book it for about 3-4 miles. People would always look at me like what is she doing, but a girls got to do what a girls got to do!
Medium runs are fast and slow, also known as Fartlek, no kidding look it up! I was doing this as well, but I just thought I was losing steam and being lazy. I would go fast, get tired and remind myself, run fat girl run! I guess I just instinctively fartlek:). I have to give it to the Swedish, that is a great term.
Long runs are pace runs. This is when you get in the groove and just run. This is how you gauge what you can do. When you take a long run you have to pace yourself. If you go full steam at first, expect to blow out a hamstring. Or expect to walk a lot.
To this day, I don't really time myself. I know when I started and I know when I finish. I don't look at my phone to see what time it is, I just run. Too many head games are just going to screw you over in the end. Of course I train to go faster, but at the end of the day whether you ran a sub 3 hour marathon or a 7 hour marathon, you ran a marathon!! That's pretty damn amazing and something to be extremely proud of. Even if you run a 5k, 10k, half, full or ultra it's an achievement! So to all the scary terms.. Just enjoy it! When it stops being fun, why do it. 10 weeks to NYC!!
Smoking and winning

Saturday, August 30, 2014
Friday, August 29, 2014
If I can Make it there.... NYC 2014
About a year ago around this time I was starting to consider training for a marathon. I knew it would be the most difficult thing I had ever done. I had absolutely no clue had to even enter one and had never even ran a 5K (3.2 miles). Boston was not even a thought I considered, it was New York. The New York city marathon is the largest marathon in the world. The field size is around 50,000 and it's famous for its celebrity participants, party like atmosphere and mostly flat course. Many people run New York first and then become marathon obsessed after. New York is my favorite city for many reasons, shit, who dosen't love New York.
I couldn't even tell you when it was at the time. I had no clue about marathon seasons, qualifying times and charity running. So when I looked up the website and saw that you no longer could sign up I just said to myself, next year. Little did I know that was actually going to happen but that it would be number 3 for me. I started to run for longer and outside just to get a feel for running long. After careful examination of the website I saw you could put your name in the lottery. I decided I would run a half before and see if it's possible. I guess it is:).
Every runner wants to run NY at least once. It's a beautiful course that takes you all over the city. Starts out in Brooklyn and ends in Central Park. You actually get to run down Madison Ave and 5th Ave. To any girl who loves fashion, heaven!! Boston, yeah, only one mile is in Boston proper! Boston was never the goal but it was honestly the best first race ever. I never in a million years believed I could run Boston, considering all the scary stories and lovely names like Heart Break hill. To be able to run Boston and NY in less than a year is poetic for me. My two cities, in eight months is a dream come true.
Training for New York has become exciting as well. Just the thought that I'm going to be able to complete the goal I started with makes every run end with a smile. Also, to run for a charity I really care about this time is a big push. The Arthritis foundation is a great charity that helps people with a debilitating problem. So many people I know personally have suffered from arthritis. Someday I may also need their help. I know the years of dancing without proper alignment is going to comeback to haunt me. I watched my own dad suffer from arthritic hips until he got them replaced. Every step was painful. Many of my dance friends are getting older and dealing with arthritis from past injuries and when your only source of income is when you can dance. If it hurts you better keep going if you want to eat. Not to mention the awful rheumatiod arthritis. To have inflammed joints and pain just because it's raining. I can't imagine! So I'm running my original goal and for a great cause, perfect!
There is only 10 weeks to my ultimate dream. I still have to find the perfect outfit, it will be colder so more options! I also have to find a halloween costume because it's that weekend and when in NYC for halloween, you got to do it right! I feel like I need to be pinched! It almost seems to surreal. Time to get ready, waterproof makeup and get that split time up. Because in NYC, that's were dreams are made of! Plus if Pamela Anderson can complete it, I think I'm safe!
I couldn't even tell you when it was at the time. I had no clue about marathon seasons, qualifying times and charity running. So when I looked up the website and saw that you no longer could sign up I just said to myself, next year. Little did I know that was actually going to happen but that it would be number 3 for me. I started to run for longer and outside just to get a feel for running long. After careful examination of the website I saw you could put your name in the lottery. I decided I would run a half before and see if it's possible. I guess it is:).
Every runner wants to run NY at least once. It's a beautiful course that takes you all over the city. Starts out in Brooklyn and ends in Central Park. You actually get to run down Madison Ave and 5th Ave. To any girl who loves fashion, heaven!! Boston, yeah, only one mile is in Boston proper! Boston was never the goal but it was honestly the best first race ever. I never in a million years believed I could run Boston, considering all the scary stories and lovely names like Heart Break hill. To be able to run Boston and NY in less than a year is poetic for me. My two cities, in eight months is a dream come true.
Training for New York has become exciting as well. Just the thought that I'm going to be able to complete the goal I started with makes every run end with a smile. Also, to run for a charity I really care about this time is a big push. The Arthritis foundation is a great charity that helps people with a debilitating problem. So many people I know personally have suffered from arthritis. Someday I may also need their help. I know the years of dancing without proper alignment is going to comeback to haunt me. I watched my own dad suffer from arthritic hips until he got them replaced. Every step was painful. Many of my dance friends are getting older and dealing with arthritis from past injuries and when your only source of income is when you can dance. If it hurts you better keep going if you want to eat. Not to mention the awful rheumatiod arthritis. To have inflammed joints and pain just because it's raining. I can't imagine! So I'm running my original goal and for a great cause, perfect!
There is only 10 weeks to my ultimate dream. I still have to find the perfect outfit, it will be colder so more options! I also have to find a halloween costume because it's that weekend and when in NYC for halloween, you got to do it right! I feel like I need to be pinched! It almost seems to surreal. Time to get ready, waterproof makeup and get that split time up. Because in NYC, that's were dreams are made of! Plus if Pamela Anderson can complete it, I think I'm safe!
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Blame it on the... Crap, what do I blame it on now!
One of my family's favorite stories is the one where I got drunk at my uncle's wedding and sang "Like a Virgin." I was fourteen years old. Many of the stories of my past start off with "the time I was drunk" or "Remember when you were shit faced". A year ago this weekend that all changed. I have been alcohol free now for a year and honestly I can't say I miss it.
Alcohol for me was always used as an escape. I never actually enjoyed the taste. It was never about the love of tasting paint thinner or the bubbly feeling of beer. I would always suck back the first and by the fifth I could not taste anything anyway. Without alcohol I'm a pretty shy person. With alcohol I'm the life of the party. Drinking also contributed to my obesity due to it's empty calories. At one point I was drinking at least three drinks per night. Mostly cranberry juice and vodka. I would wake up in the morning with a head ache and looking worse for the wear. At a party, I was always the one who arrived pre-buzzed and left puking outside on the street. Once I puked on myself in a cab. If there were a lot of good times, I can't really recall them to really enjoy them.
fortunately running has taken over for the drinking. Many wonder why I run everyday and that's because it helps me deal with the anxiety without the detriment to my health. Well, some might say the running is a little extreme but, hey, why not:).
So today I'm celebrating my new drink. It's called sweat on the rocks. No alcohol needed and is refreshing. I may still puke on the sidewalk from over doing it but at least I'm aware to walk off with my head held high. Plus running has given me the confidence to not be so shy in public places. People always question it, how can I really have fun without it they ask. Well I can now dance all night long not because I'm plastered but because I have the energy to do so. Plus I wake up every morning wondering just how stupid I looked the night before. 10 weeks until I take on the Big Apple and 7 weeks until I take on the zoo! Have a great workout Wednesday everyone... Happy running!!
Alcohol for me was always used as an escape. I never actually enjoyed the taste. It was never about the love of tasting paint thinner or the bubbly feeling of beer. I would always suck back the first and by the fifth I could not taste anything anyway. Without alcohol I'm a pretty shy person. With alcohol I'm the life of the party. Drinking also contributed to my obesity due to it's empty calories. At one point I was drinking at least three drinks per night. Mostly cranberry juice and vodka. I would wake up in the morning with a head ache and looking worse for the wear. At a party, I was always the one who arrived pre-buzzed and left puking outside on the street. Once I puked on myself in a cab. If there were a lot of good times, I can't really recall them to really enjoy them.
fortunately running has taken over for the drinking. Many wonder why I run everyday and that's because it helps me deal with the anxiety without the detriment to my health. Well, some might say the running is a little extreme but, hey, why not:).
So today I'm celebrating my new drink. It's called sweat on the rocks. No alcohol needed and is refreshing. I may still puke on the sidewalk from over doing it but at least I'm aware to walk off with my head held high. Plus running has given me the confidence to not be so shy in public places. People always question it, how can I really have fun without it they ask. Well I can now dance all night long not because I'm plastered but because I have the energy to do so. Plus I wake up every morning wondering just how stupid I looked the night before. 10 weeks until I take on the Big Apple and 7 weeks until I take on the zoo! Have a great workout Wednesday everyone... Happy running!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
The great Sneaker debate! What the hell is a Mizuno?
Back almost two years ago now, when I decided to start running, I bought my first real pair of running shoes. Not knowing a damn thing about running I went to Nike town right in the heart of Boston. I assumed since it was Nike town that the sales clerks were trained to help people find the right shoe to fit their needs. I told the clerk I wanted to start running and I needed a great shoe with support. Years of dancing through pain had ruined my knees and hips. I was also still overweight and hiding my secret dream. I was extremely self-conscious and was practically whispering to the lady. What I should have realized was this was a recipe for selling me the wrong size pair of the most expensive shoe they carry. Amazingly enough, this style got me through training and Boston. They did give me black toe nails, giant blisters and the realization that I needed to find a different style and brand. Hence the end of my Nike love.
I started researching shoes after running the 21 miler with City Sports. I went in the day before looking for a weather proof jacket because the next day was going to be a tsunami. I was breaking in my next training pair and one of the guys I was running with comment "You run in Nike?" I was thinking doesn't everybody? Nike is probably the most popular brand of sneakers out there, that must mean they are the best. I was training and planning on running in the Nike air max 2014. I even had a bright pink pair to wear for the marathon (got to kill it in the pink!). I honestly thought at the time he was just trying to sell me shoes. Really he was just trying to help out a fellow marathon runner. My feet felt great the next day after the long run and my time was good. I thought "Ha, see you can run in Nike, plus in all their ads are Kenyans!" Truth is Kenyans can run in anything! I hit the proverbial runner's wall around mile 23 in Boston and that should have been the first sign that these were not the shoes for me. I had missing toe nails and bloody socks after the marathon. I attributed this to the wall but it really was bad shoes. I ran a half marathon about 2 months later and my toes were worse than after the marathon. That's when I went back to Nike town.
A year later and a marathon and a half later, all of sudden, their tune had changed. They sized my foot at an 8 instead of a 7.5 and I was in the wrong shoe. When I went in I forgot I had my marathon jacket on and they were all over me like a hobo on a ham sandwich. They sold me a much cheaper pair and wanted me to try them out. I realized then when I wasn't thin and experienced they could have given two shits what shoe I bought as long as it was expensive, but a seasoned runner will always be back for more. They were wrong.
There are so many different running brands out there. Many you may have never even heard of. For instance, a ton of people run in a company called Mizuno. I was like what the hell is that. When I googled them more came up like Brooks and Newton. There was a whole little world to explore. Plus there are all these different kinds for neutral, stability and racing. I was so confused. Plus the really ugly ones with the toes sticking out which are apparently called minimalist. I'm sorry they look really weird and I'm always thinking they need flip flops with them. After the most recent pair of Nike's died I went to City Sports and got fitted for real. I ended up with Saucony and couldn't be happier. They were perfect for my last marathon, no bloody toes!
The point of all this is if your starting out do your research and try on every company. See what feels best for you and most definitely check out a general sports store. City Sports hooked me up big time. But if you need any help I'm always available and know way too much about it. 10 weeks to NYC!!
I started researching shoes after running the 21 miler with City Sports. I went in the day before looking for a weather proof jacket because the next day was going to be a tsunami. I was breaking in my next training pair and one of the guys I was running with comment "You run in Nike?" I was thinking doesn't everybody? Nike is probably the most popular brand of sneakers out there, that must mean they are the best. I was training and planning on running in the Nike air max 2014. I even had a bright pink pair to wear for the marathon (got to kill it in the pink!). I honestly thought at the time he was just trying to sell me shoes. Really he was just trying to help out a fellow marathon runner. My feet felt great the next day after the long run and my time was good. I thought "Ha, see you can run in Nike, plus in all their ads are Kenyans!" Truth is Kenyans can run in anything! I hit the proverbial runner's wall around mile 23 in Boston and that should have been the first sign that these were not the shoes for me. I had missing toe nails and bloody socks after the marathon. I attributed this to the wall but it really was bad shoes. I ran a half marathon about 2 months later and my toes were worse than after the marathon. That's when I went back to Nike town.
A year later and a marathon and a half later, all of sudden, their tune had changed. They sized my foot at an 8 instead of a 7.5 and I was in the wrong shoe. When I went in I forgot I had my marathon jacket on and they were all over me like a hobo on a ham sandwich. They sold me a much cheaper pair and wanted me to try them out. I realized then when I wasn't thin and experienced they could have given two shits what shoe I bought as long as it was expensive, but a seasoned runner will always be back for more. They were wrong.
There are so many different running brands out there. Many you may have never even heard of. For instance, a ton of people run in a company called Mizuno. I was like what the hell is that. When I googled them more came up like Brooks and Newton. There was a whole little world to explore. Plus there are all these different kinds for neutral, stability and racing. I was so confused. Plus the really ugly ones with the toes sticking out which are apparently called minimalist. I'm sorry they look really weird and I'm always thinking they need flip flops with them. After the most recent pair of Nike's died I went to City Sports and got fitted for real. I ended up with Saucony and couldn't be happier. They were perfect for my last marathon, no bloody toes!
The point of all this is if your starting out do your research and try on every company. See what feels best for you and most definitely check out a general sports store. City Sports hooked me up big time. But if you need any help I'm always available and know way too much about it. 10 weeks to NYC!!
Sunday, August 24, 2014
The long run, the best run there is:)
When training for a marathon you run short to long runs each week. About 3 weeks before the marathon you take your longest run which is usually between 20 to 22. You work up slowly to this epic long run to get your body used to running for hours. I find the long run the best because it's not a balls to the wall run. You pace yourself and let what feels like auto pilot kick in. Any distance runner will tell you miles 1-4 feel like ass then you get in a groove and no longer realize your running and the mind wanders. Of course along the way you have moments where you get tired and you just have to talk yourself out of it. The wonderful second, third and fourth winds kick in and your back to having random thoughts!
Many marathon runners will claim you can solve all your problems on an eighteen mile run but for me, usually I can solve really stupid problems like; what I'm going to wear today, do I really want uggs this winter ( I feel a little old for them), do I still like being a blonde again. Then after about 13 miles even dumber stuff runs through my head like; ducks scare me, I look bad in orange, look at the bunny and I should have done laundry last night! After mile 17 it's usually I start singing to myself then I get lost and go over my mileage. There is always a victory coffee at the end and a smoke (I really need to quit)! So that's what an epic long run through the city of Boston and it's surrounding towns. Today was no different and getting closer to my epic fall races!! 11 weeks 5th avenue!!
Many marathon runners will claim you can solve all your problems on an eighteen mile run but for me, usually I can solve really stupid problems like; what I'm going to wear today, do I really want uggs this winter ( I feel a little old for them), do I still like being a blonde again. Then after about 13 miles even dumber stuff runs through my head like; ducks scare me, I look bad in orange, look at the bunny and I should have done laundry last night! After mile 17 it's usually I start singing to myself then I get lost and go over my mileage. There is always a victory coffee at the end and a smoke (I really need to quit)! So that's what an epic long run through the city of Boston and it's surrounding towns. Today was no different and getting closer to my epic fall races!! 11 weeks 5th avenue!!
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Race day...
This picture says it all. Today on my run I was thinking about my next race, the NYC marathon and trying to figure out a way to get over the pre race nerves. The morning of a race you start to realize that all your training has lead up to that very moment. All of the early mornings, late afternoons and mid-day runs are about to either make or break you. It's the moment of truth and it's time to put up or shut up!
Now my first scary morning of truth I decided to run possibly the most historic marathon in recent history. Yeah, no pressure al all! All the news reports were full of stories about all the hotels being booked 8 months in advanced and millions of spectators! Excellent, so if I had screwed up it would have been in front of millions! Luckily things went fine but that's a lot of pressure. Plus all the hype and it being the first for me my stomach was in knots! Going to the common and sitting on a big yellow bus for an hour did not help the situation. My first stop at athletes village was the porta potty. Now no one wants scabies but no one wants to crap their pants in front of millions either. So you close your eyes and pray nothing will jump out and eat you!
What I learned on that day back in April was that I get race day nerves. I can go on a run all by myself and enjoy it, but as soon as there is a paper prison number safety pinned to my shirt and a free banana waiting for me, I'm a mess! The 2 races after Boston were small yet those same nerves came back to haunt me. Yet once I passed the start Tarmac and put one foot in front of the other my brain was like "oh yeah we got this:)".
The holding area is always a lot of fun as well. Everyone is excited and talkative. The great thing about runners is that in general we are a nice crew. We are happy just to be there and always up for a good chat. Every race I've done I've met some great people before the start and lots of congratulations at the end. It's such a positive group, maybe because we all have runners high! My goal for NYC is to PR but at the end of the day it's just about finishing and enjoying the moment. Plus running on 5th avenue past all the shops is a bonus!!! Great early morning run today in bean town dreaming of our sister city!! 11 weeks until the larget marathon in the world and hopefully less bathroom breaks! Have a great day everyone!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
So I used to be a Dancer....
When I was young all I ever wanted to be was a dancer. I dreamed of being on Broadway or maybe in a dance company. Later in young adulthood I decided to be a dance teacher with aspirations of becoming a choreographer. I used to be decent technically, not a bad teacher and I won many titles in dance competitions for my choreography. You would think weight loss and exercise would just make me stronger. The answer to that question in NO!
They say marathon running is 20% running and 80% mental. I think it's more like 40/60% but that's just my opinion. In all of the races I have ran the thought of not finishing never went through my head. I can honestly say it's probably the one thought that did not cross my mind. Of course thoughts like, he's cute, what is she wearing and window shopping all cross in between the ears on every run. The truth is I think my perseverance or possible extreme stuborness comes from my early years dancing.
As a dancer, you spend your youth being told you suck so that you push yourself to the limit. As a teacher your job is to yell and correct and be nit picky. Your told to turn your hips out, split your legs in all directions, turn until you puke and stick you leg behind your head plus leap high and long across the floor. You better have emotion on while you do this and portray whatever character their asking for this week. To succeed as a dancer you learn that doors will shut in your face and you have to have tough skin. Not very long ago, I decided this life was not for me after a horrible full time job, went to college and got a bachelors. Once I was in school I realized that this description was only the description of my experience. I realized I spent many years trying to prove everyone wrong and there was nothing to prove. I have found jobs where I'm not expected to be hard but expected to teach kids to dance while they have fun. My current job is a no pressure, non competition school and the kids are actually pretty talented and we have a great time.
The beauty of running is the only competition is yourself. It's all on me. I don't have to correct anyone but me, I only need to be hard on me and I can do it when I feel like. I just go for a run alone with my thoughts and enjoy the moment. Needless to say all of my muscles have tightened up and I can no longer split in any direction and my leaps are horrible:(. At 31, the dream of being a dancer anyway are over but I have to say it is slightly embarresing when you lose weight, become a marathon runner and have to be that Dance Mom's lady and can't demonstrate because well, you suck.
So here lies my dancing career; I traded you in for real medals instead of cheesey dance trophies. You will be somewhat missed, but to my new best friend running; I love you !! Slow easy pace run today around the historical land of tea throwing. Bonus is Fall is coming. NYC I'm coming!!!
They say marathon running is 20% running and 80% mental. I think it's more like 40/60% but that's just my opinion. In all of the races I have ran the thought of not finishing never went through my head. I can honestly say it's probably the one thought that did not cross my mind. Of course thoughts like, he's cute, what is she wearing and window shopping all cross in between the ears on every run. The truth is I think my perseverance or possible extreme stuborness comes from my early years dancing.
As a dancer, you spend your youth being told you suck so that you push yourself to the limit. As a teacher your job is to yell and correct and be nit picky. Your told to turn your hips out, split your legs in all directions, turn until you puke and stick you leg behind your head plus leap high and long across the floor. You better have emotion on while you do this and portray whatever character their asking for this week. To succeed as a dancer you learn that doors will shut in your face and you have to have tough skin. Not very long ago, I decided this life was not for me after a horrible full time job, went to college and got a bachelors. Once I was in school I realized that this description was only the description of my experience. I realized I spent many years trying to prove everyone wrong and there was nothing to prove. I have found jobs where I'm not expected to be hard but expected to teach kids to dance while they have fun. My current job is a no pressure, non competition school and the kids are actually pretty talented and we have a great time.
The beauty of running is the only competition is yourself. It's all on me. I don't have to correct anyone but me, I only need to be hard on me and I can do it when I feel like. I just go for a run alone with my thoughts and enjoy the moment. Needless to say all of my muscles have tightened up and I can no longer split in any direction and my leaps are horrible:(. At 31, the dream of being a dancer anyway are over but I have to say it is slightly embarresing when you lose weight, become a marathon runner and have to be that Dance Mom's lady and can't demonstrate because well, you suck.
So here lies my dancing career; I traded you in for real medals instead of cheesey dance trophies. You will be somewhat missed, but to my new best friend running; I love you !! Slow easy pace run today around the historical land of tea throwing. Bonus is Fall is coming. NYC I'm coming!!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Training in the city... How to survive the phone crazy pedestrians!
It was a cold January night and I was out on the run when I learned the truth about running in a city. One must be cautious of the pedestrians who can't seem to put their phone down for 5 seconds or are drunk, maybe high college students. On that cold January night I was running through the infamous Kenmore square in Boston. At this point I was still running with music and oblivious to the fact I needed to pay more attention. If you have ever been to Kenmore sqaure you know that the sidewalk is huge and can accomidate the masses for the Red Sox games. Apperantly the college kids over at BU seem to think it's supposed to be big enough to accomadate their pajama party.Yes they were wearing pajamas on a weekday. Maybe if they just woke up or if that's in these days. So I'm running along and I see this hoard of children and I yell "excuse me" in the politest vioce I can manage. Well I guess they could have given two shits because neither did they move or respond. I have a loud voice, I'm a PFT tech my job depends on it, they heard me. So when they failed to move and they knocked me down, they learned words and sayings they had never heard before! I was thinking "oh no these bitches did not!!" I let them them know what was up and they had the brains to look really scared and to apologize about 500 times! This was my wake-up call about city running.
One of the reasons I started running was I always wanted to be one of those joggers you see on the streets. At first, it was exactly like I had imagined. Beautiful views of the city, plenty of sidewalks and easy routes. Now I run without music and I'm constantly checking surroundings, watching everything in front of me and constantly dodging pedestrians. On many parts of my routes I run in the bike lane. Nothing pisses a bike rider off more than an runner in their lane. They usually yell "Get on the f$%king sidewalk!" I always say back politely "blow me!" Always with a smile! That's the other scary part of training in the city, byciclists! I don't get it you have your own lane. I wish there was a running lane. Yet their you are on the sidewalk running over everyone! Get in your damn lane and maybe I won't have to run in yours!
Don't get me wrong, I love running in Boston! It is one of the most scenic places and there are so many places to run. I think at this point I can safely say I have ran in every part of the city and give the best directions! I also love running around NYC, but to be honest that was a lot easier and it wasn't because it's flat. People watch what they are doing and are little more careful it is New York. The best time for running is in the early hours on a weekend. The city is so quiet and your alonewith your thoughts. One of my favorite parts of training for the marathon was 5:30 am long runs on a cold sunday morning. I was asked about 4 times a run by various hotel doormen if I was crazy, I just replied "marathon training." They laughed, it answered their question I guess. Great pace run for workout Wednesday! 11 Weeks to NYC!!
One of the reasons I started running was I always wanted to be one of those joggers you see on the streets. At first, it was exactly like I had imagined. Beautiful views of the city, plenty of sidewalks and easy routes. Now I run without music and I'm constantly checking surroundings, watching everything in front of me and constantly dodging pedestrians. On many parts of my routes I run in the bike lane. Nothing pisses a bike rider off more than an runner in their lane. They usually yell "Get on the f$%king sidewalk!" I always say back politely "blow me!" Always with a smile! That's the other scary part of training in the city, byciclists! I don't get it you have your own lane. I wish there was a running lane. Yet their you are on the sidewalk running over everyone! Get in your damn lane and maybe I won't have to run in yours!
Don't get me wrong, I love running in Boston! It is one of the most scenic places and there are so many places to run. I think at this point I can safely say I have ran in every part of the city and give the best directions! I also love running around NYC, but to be honest that was a lot easier and it wasn't because it's flat. People watch what they are doing and are little more careful it is New York. The best time for running is in the early hours on a weekend. The city is so quiet and your alonewith your thoughts. One of my favorite parts of training for the marathon was 5:30 am long runs on a cold sunday morning. I was asked about 4 times a run by various hotel doormen if I was crazy, I just replied "marathon training." They laughed, it answered their question I guess. Great pace run for workout Wednesday! 11 Weeks to NYC!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Battle of the Bulge...The truth of my weight loss.
When I decided to write a blog, with some encouragement from friends, I decided that it needed to be honest. I wish I could tell you I took a magic pill, ate whatever I wanted and never worked out.. and poof it was gone! Unfortunately that's not the truth. Unicorns are merely mythical creatures and elfs that take away your food so you won't eat it are only in fairy tales. Many have asked me "How did you do it?" I am not a registered dietician and this post is not a how to but simply what I did and how I maintain. It was also a rough road and hopefully this will help maybe one person realize it is not easy. So here is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
In my first post I mentioned that this started due to a doctor's visit. Two years ago I went to go get birth control and my OBGYN decided to run a ton of tests because my vitals were awful for a 29 year old. Actually they were awful for anyone. I had high blood pressure, sky high heart rate, morbid obesity and after some blood tests it was determined I had high cholesterol and was pre-diabetic. I was basicly a corn dog, a heart attack on a stick. I had never really taken a good look at my myself from a health point of view and how my habits were afecting me. My doctor told me it was time to get healthy or take Welbutrin and consider gastric bypass. I wanted neither and I knew it was time to cut the shit! About 3 months prior to this epiphany, I turned 29 and decided to drink everyday of my last twenty something year and party like there was no tomorrow. That ended right there. At first I actually took the healthy approach, I thought. I started eating what I thought was healthy. I hated cooking (which hasn't changed), and bought a ton of those ass-tastic supposidly healthy frozen meals, "wheat" bread and juice instead of soda. Needless to say I saw no results. I went back to the drawing board and looked at what I was doing. That's when things got real.
I put myself on a all natural very low calorie diet. I knew I was to heavy to workout so at this point I wasn't even bothering. I was eating 800 calories per day. Now at the weight I was at and still living a sedentary life this is comprable to anyone who has gastric bypass surgery. I got rid of processed meals and started to cook. I learned portions and the weight started to come off. About one year into this diet plan I lost about 100 pounds and at that point started exercising. I started with a walking program and weight training. I have to be honest. I f&*cking hated it. It was the most boring plan I ever had. As an exercise physiologist it was right from the book. NEVER AGAIN!! I had always wanted to be a runner secretly. I was always told I was too slow or too fat. At the time this was true. Unfortunately no one in my past had ever heard of training or it's called I run for fun. I decided to give it a try. I started running 5 minutes 5 days per week at the end of an hour of walking. The first five minutes seemed longer than any marathon I've ever ran! Unfortunately around this time shit hit the fan.
I had went through some pretty messed up guy adventures and it took a toll on my mental health. I took it out on my body. At a certain point I was running 3-4 miles per day only eating around 600 calories per day. My hair fell out, my thyriod crashed and I looked awful. It was obvious to everyone but myself. I lost about 55 pounds in 3 months. At this point I was running 6 days a week and I got the magical entry into the Boston marathon and everything changed. I went to a nutrionist who basically served to me my ass on a platter! She also gave me a healthy eating plan we both could live with. I also started seeing a really good therapist that specialized in anorexia and started to heal. clearly from the picture Boston was a success and so was Wakefield, plus a messed up half marathon in Newburyport. I still struggle everyday, it's not easy! At this point in my life food is not what makes me happy. Running, new adventures and friends and family make me happy. I no longer wake up wanting a cranberry vodka or a donut. So there it is, how this idiot changed her life and now runs everyday torturing the citizens of Boston and the surrounding towns:). Medium pace run today and I promise tomorrow's post will be lighter!
In my first post I mentioned that this started due to a doctor's visit. Two years ago I went to go get birth control and my OBGYN decided to run a ton of tests because my vitals were awful for a 29 year old. Actually they were awful for anyone. I had high blood pressure, sky high heart rate, morbid obesity and after some blood tests it was determined I had high cholesterol and was pre-diabetic. I was basicly a corn dog, a heart attack on a stick. I had never really taken a good look at my myself from a health point of view and how my habits were afecting me. My doctor told me it was time to get healthy or take Welbutrin and consider gastric bypass. I wanted neither and I knew it was time to cut the shit! About 3 months prior to this epiphany, I turned 29 and decided to drink everyday of my last twenty something year and party like there was no tomorrow. That ended right there. At first I actually took the healthy approach, I thought. I started eating what I thought was healthy. I hated cooking (which hasn't changed), and bought a ton of those ass-tastic supposidly healthy frozen meals, "wheat" bread and juice instead of soda. Needless to say I saw no results. I went back to the drawing board and looked at what I was doing. That's when things got real.
I put myself on a all natural very low calorie diet. I knew I was to heavy to workout so at this point I wasn't even bothering. I was eating 800 calories per day. Now at the weight I was at and still living a sedentary life this is comprable to anyone who has gastric bypass surgery. I got rid of processed meals and started to cook. I learned portions and the weight started to come off. About one year into this diet plan I lost about 100 pounds and at that point started exercising. I started with a walking program and weight training. I have to be honest. I f&*cking hated it. It was the most boring plan I ever had. As an exercise physiologist it was right from the book. NEVER AGAIN!! I had always wanted to be a runner secretly. I was always told I was too slow or too fat. At the time this was true. Unfortunately no one in my past had ever heard of training or it's called I run for fun. I decided to give it a try. I started running 5 minutes 5 days per week at the end of an hour of walking. The first five minutes seemed longer than any marathon I've ever ran! Unfortunately around this time shit hit the fan.
I had went through some pretty messed up guy adventures and it took a toll on my mental health. I took it out on my body. At a certain point I was running 3-4 miles per day only eating around 600 calories per day. My hair fell out, my thyriod crashed and I looked awful. It was obvious to everyone but myself. I lost about 55 pounds in 3 months. At this point I was running 6 days a week and I got the magical entry into the Boston marathon and everything changed. I went to a nutrionist who basically served to me my ass on a platter! She also gave me a healthy eating plan we both could live with. I also started seeing a really good therapist that specialized in anorexia and started to heal. clearly from the picture Boston was a success and so was Wakefield, plus a messed up half marathon in Newburyport. I still struggle everyday, it's not easy! At this point in my life food is not what makes me happy. Running, new adventures and friends and family make me happy. I no longer wake up wanting a cranberry vodka or a donut. So there it is, how this idiot changed her life and now runs everyday torturing the citizens of Boston and the surrounding towns:). Medium pace run today and I promise tomorrow's post will be lighter!
Monday, August 18, 2014
From Manolo Blahnik, Juicy Couture and Michael Kors to Nike, Saucony and randomly Abercrombie & Fitch
I grew up in the era of Sex and the City. The dream of being a thirty something single girl with a career living in a big city was all I aspired too. Well, mission accomplished! Now as a thirty something single girl living in a big city, I used to be all about labels, mani's and finding the right guy. My whole wardrobe used to encompass designer labels and 5 inch heels. I wore dresses everyday and dreaded rain. Getting sweaty was a no-no and I owned a pair of converse, those were my only sneakers. I was also trying to fit into a size I wasn't and killing my non existent calf muscles:). It looked like a 5 pound sausage in a 2 pound casing! Wow, the good old days.
This morning when I was walking to work I let my iPhone shuffle and the first song that came up was Fergie's Labels and Love. This was the theme song for the first Sex and the City movie. That show is still my all time favorite and one of my favorite episodes was the one where Miranda was training for the marathon. It was hilarious!! Toss the salad, that's all i'm saying! The truth is, now my closet is full of Nike and Abercrombie and Fitch running gear (there X-small is actually an X-small). I own five pairs of sneakers I rotate through and a ton of sports bras. Most of my regular wardrobe comes from Forever 21 and Abercrombie because they are cheap and they actually fit. I unfortunately through this process became the size of a 12 year old girl. Also I spend less money on clothes to save for race fees. These races are not cheap by any means!
I also used to get up every morning and dry my hair, put on a ton of clown make-up and always have my nails and toes perfectly polished. Now I slightly flat iron my bangs, put on eye liner, mascara and eyeshadow and my nails are usually chipped and currently I only have about 5 toe nails still on my toes:(. The truth is running has made me more confident in myself. It has made me be ok with not being perfect. Don't get me wrong, I still dress up every day for work but, now I wear flats. I still care about my apearance but I'm ok with my hair not being perfect everyday. I also have learned to love the rain and be comfortable in workout clothes.
Today on my run I thought about all the changes I've made in my life in terms of just little daily rituals I thought I would share. I still love the color pink, hello kitty and fun dresses. I also love brightly colored running tights with neon tank tops to match my neon Saucony sneakers. Medium run throughout the hills of Idenpendence land today. A lot of wind, college kids and another set of drunks at Fenway park. Someday I pray they will all see me and not knock into me. Of course that will also be the day we find out Unicorns really do exist! Have a great night everyone! 11 weeks to NYC!!!
This morning when I was walking to work I let my iPhone shuffle and the first song that came up was Fergie's Labels and Love. This was the theme song for the first Sex and the City movie. That show is still my all time favorite and one of my favorite episodes was the one where Miranda was training for the marathon. It was hilarious!! Toss the salad, that's all i'm saying! The truth is, now my closet is full of Nike and Abercrombie and Fitch running gear (there X-small is actually an X-small). I own five pairs of sneakers I rotate through and a ton of sports bras. Most of my regular wardrobe comes from Forever 21 and Abercrombie because they are cheap and they actually fit. I unfortunately through this process became the size of a 12 year old girl. Also I spend less money on clothes to save for race fees. These races are not cheap by any means!
I also used to get up every morning and dry my hair, put on a ton of clown make-up and always have my nails and toes perfectly polished. Now I slightly flat iron my bangs, put on eye liner, mascara and eyeshadow and my nails are usually chipped and currently I only have about 5 toe nails still on my toes:(. The truth is running has made me more confident in myself. It has made me be ok with not being perfect. Don't get me wrong, I still dress up every day for work but, now I wear flats. I still care about my apearance but I'm ok with my hair not being perfect everyday. I also have learned to love the rain and be comfortable in workout clothes.
Today on my run I thought about all the changes I've made in my life in terms of just little daily rituals I thought I would share. I still love the color pink, hello kitty and fun dresses. I also love brightly colored running tights with neon tank tops to match my neon Saucony sneakers. Medium run throughout the hills of Idenpendence land today. A lot of wind, college kids and another set of drunks at Fenway park. Someday I pray they will all see me and not knock into me. Of course that will also be the day we find out Unicorns really do exist! Have a great night everyone! 11 weeks to NYC!!!
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Hello Everyone... One last bad habit!
So here goes...
Let's start off with a little about myself. I'm Cheryl and I'm a marathonaholic:). Just kidding! So about two years ago I was told to get in shape by the doctors and to lose weight. It's funny because I went in for birth control and left with a death sentence. I hadn't realized how bad my lifestyle had become but I also realized I just chose to ignore the situation. I was drinking heavily, eating horribly and getting little exercise. I had always been active as a dancer. A few years earlier after a bad string of teaching jobs I chose to retire from dance and I was working in a hospital sitting on my ass mostly. Ironically enough as an exercise physiologist. After having the doctor tell me I was a hot mess I realized it was time to change! This started a crazy journey into nutrition and exercise that landed me from overweight party girl to marathon runner! There were a ton of bumps in the road; bad boyfriends, crazy training injuries and unfortunately taking everything to the next level and becoming obsessed with the process. Two years later and 160lbs down I'm still trying to navigate everything and you can read along about the process of an idiot girly runner trying to chase her dreams of running every major city! I started with big bad Boston and now training for NYC!
I've stopped drinking, almost a year since my last drink. Coming from someone who at 16 had a bumper sticker that read "drink until he's cute!" I consider that a victory. I've also finally got my diet under control. I eat all healthy non processed food, I'm vegan besides lean chicken and fish. Having celiac disease and lactose intolerance helps in the choice process but who's counting. I train hard running 7 days a week running at least 8 miles per day. So this is the saddest omission I've ever had to admit. I still smoke! Yep, I run marathons and I smoke. It's the one nasty habit I can't shake. I've had a ton of people think it's a skill, some say it's just my NH side, others just think I'm trash. Honestly it's embarrassing, right after the two marathons I've participated in ( one being Boston), I've been dying to smoke right after. I told myself before my fall marathon this year I would quit. Yeah... About that, I'm still smoking and 12 weeks away. The sad part is I feel tired after my long runs but never short of breath:(. I ran Boston in 4:19, which is pretty damn good for someone only having a year of running under their belt, but the picture says it all! Hopefully I can quit soon. So there's my random thoughts for the day. More to come about running, boys, sneakers and crazy journeys around Boston:). Have a great day everyone!
Let's start off with a little about myself. I'm Cheryl and I'm a marathonaholic:). Just kidding! So about two years ago I was told to get in shape by the doctors and to lose weight. It's funny because I went in for birth control and left with a death sentence. I hadn't realized how bad my lifestyle had become but I also realized I just chose to ignore the situation. I was drinking heavily, eating horribly and getting little exercise. I had always been active as a dancer. A few years earlier after a bad string of teaching jobs I chose to retire from dance and I was working in a hospital sitting on my ass mostly. Ironically enough as an exercise physiologist. After having the doctor tell me I was a hot mess I realized it was time to change! This started a crazy journey into nutrition and exercise that landed me from overweight party girl to marathon runner! There were a ton of bumps in the road; bad boyfriends, crazy training injuries and unfortunately taking everything to the next level and becoming obsessed with the process. Two years later and 160lbs down I'm still trying to navigate everything and you can read along about the process of an idiot girly runner trying to chase her dreams of running every major city! I started with big bad Boston and now training for NYC!
I've stopped drinking, almost a year since my last drink. Coming from someone who at 16 had a bumper sticker that read "drink until he's cute!" I consider that a victory. I've also finally got my diet under control. I eat all healthy non processed food, I'm vegan besides lean chicken and fish. Having celiac disease and lactose intolerance helps in the choice process but who's counting. I train hard running 7 days a week running at least 8 miles per day. So this is the saddest omission I've ever had to admit. I still smoke! Yep, I run marathons and I smoke. It's the one nasty habit I can't shake. I've had a ton of people think it's a skill, some say it's just my NH side, others just think I'm trash. Honestly it's embarrassing, right after the two marathons I've participated in ( one being Boston), I've been dying to smoke right after. I told myself before my fall marathon this year I would quit. Yeah... About that, I'm still smoking and 12 weeks away. The sad part is I feel tired after my long runs but never short of breath:(. I ran Boston in 4:19, which is pretty damn good for someone only having a year of running under their belt, but the picture says it all! Hopefully I can quit soon. So there's my random thoughts for the day. More to come about running, boys, sneakers and crazy journeys around Boston:). Have a great day everyone!
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