Smoking and winning

Smoking and winning

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Blank Space... Don't know if I'm ready to write a name!

Sure, everyone wants to find someone they can share their life experiences with, cuddle on a cold Sunday afternoon and someone to help when you realize your stuck in your 14 wet layers of spandex and you need help getting them off. Having someone who understands you, encourages you and supports you. Unfortunately sometimes it's hard to find and for a runner obsessed with training it's even harder. (I've posted about that, no need to elaborate). Sometimes when you find yourself single, it's a good thing.
Take it from Taylor herself, she's single, having the time of her life and enjoying her friends. She's traveling and living her life the way she wants. If I only had her bank account.... Oh, the shenanigans and races that would happen. Right now I'm single and I'm actually pretty happy about it. Going to Paris, training 24/7 and enjoying my friends is so much better. I think that it may be hard to find someone considering my passion and goals but I've decided changing is not really an option. I was listening to this song and thought how right she is.
Being with someone to be with someone is just not for me. I've done it, lived it got the t-shirt and it wasn't fun. Many of my runs have been fueled by anger from a guy. While hitting a personal best after that scumbag did you wrong feels amazing, it's kind of wasted energy. Even though all of this was brought to you by an ass, it has taught me to stop settling for less. At this age if he is not enhancing your life then screw it. Once those tables turn then on back to being single. Some at my age have that biological clock ticking but I would rather hit the snooze then be stuck with someone who can't understand me or hurts me. Most marathoners don't have much time with training and all. I think about my crazy schedule and a romance would be nice but luckily not needed.
I've been hurt a lot and crushed. I lost 160lbs partly due to a broken heart. I became a runner to prove to myself that I am worth it and now that I feel sorta worth it I'm going to focus on me. I think sometimes women think they have value if they have a man. Sometimes a girl needs to find value in herself first. That has been a huge goal of mine for 2015. To see myself as someone who is worth it. Sometimes being alone and finding out who you really are is necessary. If he comes along then great, if not then I have a blank space! With only 37 days to Paris it's really hard to focus on anything else. To the Arc de Triumph!!!

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