Smoking and winning

Smoking and winning

Monday, March 2, 2015

The Final Countdown..... Paris!

Possibly the dumbest song, yet the funniest ever! Oh Job Bluth, your magic tricks are illusions! The final countdown has begun, for Paris! Still have to find the perfect outfit, get one more pair of sneakers and need that Carrie dress! While this will be the trip of a lifetime, there still is that lingering epic road race to be concerned with. Oh you know, that 26.2 mile (42.16481 kilometers, it is Europe!)journey to worry about, lose your shit and cry like a baby about. In training this is the most crucial time and really the last few weeks to make any progress before the race!
In a few weeks I will run my 22 miler. After that it's taper time and the end of hard core training. This doesn't mean you go slow and eat pizza, but after that there really isn't anything you can do. You still run but the mileage goes down and you freak out. The next few weeks will be crucial. No splurging food wise, no drinking and lots of running like a nut bag!this is also the time for me when my mind starts to slip into "I can't" mode. It's a double edged sword. I know this mentality always pushes me to perform but it messes with you big time. I'm always a complete crazy girl right before.
You would think at this point running that many miles would not scare me. This will be round 4 and after my last half I felt like I could have easily kept going. Truth is I feel stronger than ever. I've always trained like a psycho especially this round. Yet, that little voice in the back of my head says "this is it.. this is the time your going to fail!" I completely bombed the marathon in Wakefield, so it's not like I haven't shown up and sucked. The nerves are back though and the fear is there. What happens if I choke at mile 3? What if I blow my knee again? All of this stuff scares the bejesus out of me. Also, the threat of shitting my pants, especially in Paris, is always looming.
"Run Fat Girl, Run!!" will be going through my brain for the next few weeks. There will be many speed runs to burn out the crazy and long runs to remind myself I can make it. Reading Paris Vogue and trying to cram in conversational French is also on the menu. I can't believe it's almost here and I could not be more excited and scared shit less! Foch Avenue right in front of the Arc De Triumph is where it all starts and I will be there soon. To Paris with love and excitement!

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