Smoking and winning

Smoking and winning

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Bonjour, Madame Marathon de Paris!

All the layers of sweats thrown in Brooklyn have been trashed. Central Park has been cleaned and ready for the next big attraction. The New York Road Runners have already laid out the guidelines for entry into the 2015 marathon. I've celebrated, worn my medal at home in bed and looked at my awful race photo's (yeah.. won't be buying them!). Now it's time to get ready for my first international marathon, Marathon de Paris!
It's not an easy one. It's another Kenyan filled, giant field size marathon with all the sponsors, expo's and app's to track runners on. Truthfully, this may be the scariest thing I've ever done. I'll be running 26.2 miles in a country where I don't speak the language, have no idea where I'm going and will be with a tour group. Anything can happen but to run Paris is just blowing my mind. To run arguably the most beautiful city in the world is just insane. I've never even dreamed of this because it's a dream I never even thought possible. When I was looking into spring marathons knowing I did not want to take another trip to Hopkington this year, I found Paris. I knew the minute I read about it that I had to do it. Boston, then New York and then Paris was the perfect first marathon year. This training season will come with a lot of excitement and a lot to be nervous about.
My first plan of attack is to review NYC and fix what went wrong. Clearly the insane wind was a problem. I can't do anything to fix that so I've chalked it up to anything can happen. Races are any weather unless it's so dangerous like a tornado. There are no tornado's in Paris so no matter what, April 12th here I come. Second is my endurance. I hit the "wall" in Boston, in NYC I was tired but could keep going. In Paris I know I will get tired (it's a marathon), but I want to be able to keep pace until the end. Most likely some longer runs in between and possible double run days. I also know getting stronger just takes time and I have 5 months so hopefully if I work hard I will get stronger. Third, it's time for winter. I've seen Christmas stuff out already (can I enjoy Thanksgiving first!). That means snow, ice and sub zero temperature running. I've done this before and I know what to expect. I can tell you first hand that my laundry bill is about to quadruple! Four layers of shirts, two layers of pants, 3 pairs of socks and hats, scarfs and mittens every damn day!
I've learned to expect the unexpected. To anticipate that it will be harder than you thought and to just pace it and hope for the best. These giant races are about time and possible qualification but they are also about experiencing what so little do. It's about running in something bigger than you. It's about seeing the world and being present in the moment.You only live once, that one chance goes quick and is too valuable to not see everything. I will never win a marathon. That's not the point but if you can achieve little goals while doing something you have always dreamed of it's a bonus.
For the first time I will be able to fit into the clothes. I will probably be a size large in France but it's all good! I will be able to look like every other french girl walking down the beautiful city streets in fashion land. Well maybe a little more manly than most of the French women but I won't be judged for smoking. Flowers will be blooming, there will be a warmth in the air and nerves all in my stomach! Spring time in Paris will be put up or shut up time! I need to find a black and white stripped top and red bottoms! The outfit has to be on point for the fashion capital! Maybe I'll get a running bikini... No chance in hell! 5 months to the craziest thing I've ever done. Another moment to run and join the elites again the city of lights!

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