Smoking and winning

Smoking and winning

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Wrapped up like a Burrito... Winter running

It's almost like a game. How many pairs of spandex, shirts, coats, scarfs, hats and gloves can you wear and still achieve your split time? At first, I was so scared to run in the winter. I've come to really enjoy it and looking forward to early morning snow runs on the weekend. It's so quiet and peaceful out. Plus it's absolutely beautiful with the city covered in white. Until the plows come and make it brown of course. Unfortunately there is a lot of precautions runner's have to take to not get hypothermia, eat pavement when ice is covering the side walks and stay visible because there is about 2 hours of daytime.
First off, clothing. My laundry bill is insane during the winter trainning season. The amount of layers you wear is ridiculus. Of course you have all the dry fit, stay warm technology that really only gives you peace of mind. You still sweat, lose all your body heat and shiver like a leaf after you run. I always make sure to get a hot coffee on the way home after a long run. As soon as I get home, I jump in the shower after pulling off 17 layers of wet spandex. Give that a try when your hands are numb. I'm sure it looks crazy. My best advice, lot's of layers and be ready to feel cold.
Now the whole running on ice deal sucks. I ate so much pavement trainning for Boston last year it was crazy. I know my Paris trainning will involve more now that I'm faster. It's always slick as snot on a door knob in one section of my long run. I'm sure I'll be doing the runner's prance in that area again. Imagine someone looking like they might have just crapped their pants. It's that elegant. Plus I don't care what fancy sneakers you have, they are not snow shoes! Your are going to slip. I will say this, Nike's will keep your feet dry. I can't handle the treadmill so no matter the weather my ass is hitting the pavement.
The one problem is hypothermia, for me anyway. My hands and feet turn white and go numb. For me this is the only downside to winter running. I have to run my hands under hot water pretty much imediately. It sucks because this is my favorite running season. I guess you just have to take the good with the bad.
Time to get reflective warm clothes for another winter training season. Paris is at the beggining of April. Time to run in the snow, ice and sub zero temps. I'm not going to lie I'm excited! I'm getting ready for Paris. A little cold weather is not ging to slow this nut bag down. I'm ready to run the fashion capitol! 5 months full of snow, ice and crazy amazing experiences are upon me. Plus I'm running a half marathon in January in Central Park. It's going to be epic!

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