Smoking and winning

Smoking and winning

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Yes.. I run everyday

So today another research article came out on why it's bad to run too often. Once again, it's all about heart disease and osteoarthritis. Congratulations researchers... You figured out something everyone already knew. I'm sure there was a large grant involved and countless surveys were answered. I'm sure there was a lot of interns in the UK who had to sift through medical records and do a lot of boring data entry all to write a paper already written. I've already touched base on my feelings and thoughts on the inevitable wear and tear running marathons has on the body. A lot of people always ask why I run everyday. Truth is I can't imagine not running everyday.
You will read of the runner's high. You do feel amazing after any exercise but I'm not sure if there is a specific runner's high. I think achieving goals can give you the same effect. I think running compared to a lot of sports is a lot more soothing once it becomes a habit. At first, yes it blows, but after a while it becomes like yoga for many. It becomes an escape from everything. It's all about breathing and keeping pace. Yes, it can be strenuous but in exercise, what isn't? For me this is how I either start my day or end it. During the week it's how I wind down from work. As everyone experiences, even if they love their job, it's still a job. Some people have a glass of wine, others watch t.v., I take a run. It's been the best form of relaxation I've ever found. Sometimes work for me can be stressful due to coworkers or the unfortunate realities of working in the medical profession. Taking a run can clear your mind and help you remember there's always tomorrow. On the weekends it's long run training and a perfect way to start the day. Plus living in a city you finally get away from all the people not paying attention on their cell phones who feel the need to knock into you.
Another reason I run everyday is for health reasons. Truth is it helps me eat. Many times people with an eating disorder will go to extreme athletics to keep the weight off. For me, that's not what it's about. I live for the run and the competition so I know I have to eat to keep going. I know I would actually be smaller if I stopped training but I love this and want to continue. Running forces me to be healthy versus running five days a week cutting back to 3-4 miles and going back on a less than 1,000 calorie diet. I'm not going to lie, I get tempted but I always have the next race planned.
One day I may go down in fiery flame (oh, let's be honest I'll just fall over) in the middle of a marathon. Hopefully it's after the finish line in London when I've ran my first sub 3 hour. Most likely it will be 3 miles in on Beacon street in Back Bay:(. Yes, running too much is bad for you but so is a lot of things. We all are human and do things that could possibly harm our bodies. We all only live once though and you should do what you love. Be happy everyone, that's the point! Almost 2 months to Paris! Holy shit it's coming quick!!

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