Smoking and winning

Smoking and winning

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Running and superstitions... Yeah we all have them!

Every runner has rituals and superstitions. It can be as benign as the way they tie their shoes, to never wearing clean socks. Before a race your told to never do anything new. Don't try new food, don't wear new clothes or shoes and don't try new soaps. Clearly we all have rituals and some of us take it to the extreme. Trust me, I have a pre race dinner and breakfast. I also will buy my marathon outfit within the next week and go for a run in it, plus I will  buy 2 more pairs of sneakers and break them in. I personally check my shoe laces about 40 times prior to being corralled. I use the bathroom about 4 times before the start. I have a certain race brand of socks. I have a hair bow that I wore for Boston which is now a good luck charm. The superstition that has been killing me lately is the swag every marathoner looks forward to; the elusive marathon jacket!
Before Boston I was scared to purchase the jacket. I was worried that if I bought it, and didn't finish, I was stuck looking at how I blew it. When I went to the expo (where you pick up your number) I even got my size and got in line to pay. Waited in line for about 45 minutes and when it came time to purchase it, I bailed. I was so scared that if I bought it, I would most certainly blow out a knee in Ashland (about 5 miles in). About a week after I went into marathon sports, one of the last stores to actually have any jackets left and ended up with a men's small and I can fit myself and three friends in it. I was so mad at myself for waiting and now my first jacket looks sloppy! After my next marathon we received free t-shirts, I wouldn't even take it out of the swag bag because I was afraid if I touch it, I wouldn't finish!
About a few days ago I received an email from the NYRR (New York Road Runners) that the marathon jackets were ready to order. I was about 5 seconds from purchasing when it hit me. You buy it, you DNF (did not finish)! Then I tried to come up with a plan. I thought if I purchased it and sent it to my friends house, asked her to hide it, then I wouldn't see it until after. I spent the whole day going into the website, putting it in my cart and then closing the window. My fear was if I hit purchase, then I would fall out of my chair and break my foot. As of today, no jacket purchased!
Most likely I will end up with an extra large! I have one more possible plan of handing my friend or my parents money, running down the street and having them buy one for me at the Expo. Most likely I will buy it afterwards and end up with a new knida ugly dress. I guess whether it fits or not it's still the symbol of the dream. So there is my random thoughts on Superstitions and running. Whether it's not pooping 1 hour prior to the start or eating only tomatoes 8 hours before we all have something weird! 6 WEEKS!!!

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