Smoking and winning

Smoking and winning

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The power of support... Friends and tight pants!

Hoes before bros! Friends don't let friends look stupid! Friends are always your best bet in surviving the marathon process. Training can be grueling, mentally challenging and can totally screw with you. I don't care what anyone says, you need a great support system! Honestly, through marathon training I actually became closer to my family and friends. Some friends unfortunately did jump ship but, clearly they weren't really my friends to begin with. Having friends you can call and laugh with sometimes is all you need after a grueling long run or a really bad run. When you have thrown up, toes are bloody and you can't really see straight a great friend is always there to remind you why you do it. Usually they also remind you that your crazy and you need a pedicure. Truth is when I started training it was very much a lonely process. A lot of people doubted me and laughed at me. The great moment was when I finally let everyone know I was running and the amount of love and support I received! I know I would have never have made it through without everyone! So here is my thoughts on great friends. The people who will be there for a good laugh, talk you down from quitting and be at the finish line with a banana and a smoke!! Less than 2 months to NYC and only a month to the Boston half!! Fall is here and time for action... And everyone to go pumpkin crazy!!!

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