Smoking and winning

Smoking and winning

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Running in the elements... Hurricanes are safe, right?

Rain, wind, snow, ice and heat never seems to stop the avid runner. Before I started running I hated rain. I never wanted to walk in it, it ruined my hair and my outfit. Now, I love the rain, snow and everything in between. The city is quiet and the pedestrians are sparse. Traffic is another story and yes your makeup will be all over your face but, you will be alone. Truth is for most runners this is the weather they prefer. The sun is not in your eyes and it feels like the endless water cup.
The first time I ever ran in the rain was right after I got rid of my gym membership. I had been kicked off the treadmill for being on too long and I needed to get a certain amount of mileage in for Boston training. I needed to get a run in and I needed 10 miles. It was pouring and that morning I decided to brave it and suck it up. That afternoon I realized rain was no longer my enemy, but my friend. The first mile I thought "F#$k my life!" The problem was that the first mile sucks even in the perfect conditions. Personally I like my first couple of miles to be full of hills to really get going. Well needless to say after mile 2 I got why everyone loves it. It was almost liberating. I was alone and the streets were quiet. It was just me and the open road. My head phones crapped out but later I would realize music was just distracting anyway. At the end of the run I felt so refreshed... I also looked like I just took a shower with 4 layers on and had makeup all over my face, but with a huge grin! After this run I started to run in everything. I loved snowstorms and the peaceful feel the city had.
A race never cancels due to weather conditions. Rain or shine your marathon will be held. Unless there is a possible hurricane or tornado. You need to be prepared for all possible race conditions. My next marathon could be extremely cold and rainy. The truth is, I hope it it rains. I seem to run better in the cold and rain than heat and sunny. Ever runner will swear that overcast and 40's are the perfect running conditions. I totally agree! Will your race pictures be beautiful glamour shots, probably not. Honestly though, they never are! So bring on the rain mother nature, I'm ready!! NYC in a month and I could not be more excited and the Boston Athletic Association Half marathon in 2 weeks. This Sunday I take on the 20 miler and a trip back to Hopkington.

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