Smoking and winning

Smoking and winning

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Dreams can come true... In 5 days!

This is the beginning of the NYC marathon. You go over the Verrazano bridge that connects Staten Island to Brooklyn. If you look up images for the marathon this is the first thing that pops up. They claim this is the largest hill in the race. It's about 2 miles long and not very steep. The image of tens of thousands of runners coming over a normally packed highway is almost poetic. Many who have ran NYC say the view is just stunning and luckily your not delirious yet so you can enjoy it. You look over your personal playground for the day. I'm sure it's the moment when the weight of the race will hit me. Also it could be on 5th ave. when I'm almost done and probably half with it.
I've mentioned before that this has been a huge dream and it's almost here. Many young girls from small towns across the U.S. and all over the world dream of New York. A chance to get lost among the sea of people and live your dreams in a world of fashion, art and music. You dream of the chance to experience culture and many different ways of life. You pretend your Carrie from Sex and the City, strutting around in your Manholo's dreaming of finding your Mr. Big. You sit in your small town knowing there is more to life than what you have.
For me, this is all very true and I'm one of millions. They say 3/4's of New York is from a small town. Now, a little older and a little (not much) wiser I come back to have the ultimate experience. To run all 5 boroughs, to enjoy the bands, the art and probably not much fashion. To be one of the thousands who will be from all over the world. To run amongst the sea of neon to claim the Tiffany's medal in Central Park.
Training has taken a toll. This time around I had to overcome some mental road blocks. I'm faster than I've ever been and pushed through many obstacles to make this dream a reality. From trying to eat enough to blocking out the negative comments, I've trained harder than ever. Maybe all of it pushed me to the point of insanity or maybe my body finally got on the same page as my goals. I feel strong and ready. 26.2 miles is a long way to go and anything can happen. I've learned to expect the unexpected and never go in thinking it's going to be a breeze. I've learned to pace myself and remember it's a long journey. Balls to the wall at the start will get you walking at mile 23. To breath even and only be concerned with my time. Don't over hydrate and remove layers as soon as I feel hot. I've worked on my form and picked better shoes based on my needs. I've changed up the diet and made it well rounded and catered to my exact needs. Food has become fuel and every meal meets my needs. I've worked harder than ever but what I've really done is trained from the heart. I lost 160lbs. to run and I wanted to give it my all. I've given 150% and now it's time to enjoy the outcome.
To live this dream is indescribable. The emotional weight of the situation is a combination of nerves and excitement. To be able to see the end and the rainbow is almost to much to bare. In such a short time to change so much can takes it toll. You constantly ask yourself "Who am I now?" I still don't have the answer and I'm still incredibly awkward but I feel like I like the direction I'm headed in. Someday I may get injured and not be able to keep going. Maybe that's the reason I just keep pushing smart and enjoying the ride while I still can.
NYC her I come! I'm getting my New York on and I can feel the awesome. 5 days from now I will be living my ultimate dream.

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