Smoking and winning

Smoking and winning

Thursday, January 1, 2015

A new year a new you.... Fad diets

So it's 2015 and everybody and their brother is headed to the gym and looking for a way to shed those pounds. I've seen more ads for crazy diet and exercise stuff. Now I laugh. I think it's great people want to get healthy but so many do it wrong and get discouraged by fad diet and exercise plans. I've been through it all and can tell you most doesn't work. Sure you might see quick results but how do you keep it off and stay on track? I'm not a nutritionist (yet) but I am an exercise physiologist who pretty much treats my body like a really cool and crazy science experiment. So here are my random thoughts on helping shed that weight or getting toned. Or you can read and think she's full of shit. Of course you would be right because a marathoner is supposed to limit fiber!
When I started the voyage to health I made some really dumb decisions. I believed all those frozen meals would do the trick. Yeah not so much. They taste like ass and cheese. I was too heavy to even attempt working out. These meals are loaded with extra shit that no one should consume and they actually made me bloated. I learned that healthy homemade meals are what really works. Looking at labels and preparing your meals is the key. There is a great formula called the Harris-Benedict equation that will give you your exact caloric needs. Trust me you can find the calculator if you google it. It takes into account how much you workout and how much you need to cut back to lose. Truth is your just going to have to adopt a healthier lifestyle. There is nothing wrong with indulging in moderation once in a while. Plus it's not just about the amount of calories but the kind of calories you put in.
In the exercise department there is just one truth, you have to actually enjoy what you do or you won't stick with it. I started a plan straight from the book and I hated every minute of it. It doesn't matter what you do, just enjoy it and you will stick with it. Clearly my plan is a little over board but I found something I love and we are stuck together like glue. 
My diet right now is training specific but honestly my food is fuel. I no longer look to food as enjoyment or entertainment but as a way to fuel the run. I honestly don't care as long as it's healthy what it tastes like. I've had my dinner referenced to looking like "fancy feast" cat food. But I could give 2 shits because I'm on a war path to the center of art, fashion and architecture. Through having a similar goal as many in the new year I found my passion and life and if you can do that then the new year will be amazing! 100 days to Paris!!! 

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