Smoking and winning

Smoking and winning

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

What does the future hold..

It's been a crazy year and it's soon to be done. In about a week 2014 will be gone and 2015 kicks off. Three crazy marathons, two crazy halfs and an epic ride has been my 2014. So what happens in 2015? It starts with a half in my beloved NYC and then on to Paris! While Boston seems like just yesterday, it's onwards and upwards for this runner.
No matter what my time is Paris will be epic, it's Paris! You hit every major landmark you've ever heard of, it's perfect weather according to all accounts and it's not easy. I haven't quite decided if I'm going to go on a tour before hand or just experience it all during the race. It feels like it would be poetic to see it all on the course. Mile 18 is right under the Eiffel Tower! To see it up close in all it's glory during the race would be amazing! 
So it starts with Paris, but what's next? Chicago maybe? Another trip to NYC? Maybe Toronto? So many in the fall to choose from, I will leave it up to the lottery. Of course there are other things in life besides running? I never thought this would be my 2014, so what's going to happen in 2015? Only time will tell but I now know whatever happens will be epic. These past few years have been a total roller coaster from planning to party everyday, to losing 160lbs and then to become a 3x marathoner is kinda crazy now that I write it. Changing my whole life in the span of 3 years prepares you for anything!
2015 will be crazy if the past 3 are any indication. With Paris on deck I know at least April will be a time to remember! More halfs to check my training and another fall marathon will hopefully happen as long as there are no injuries. I'm just hoping it won't be the year I finally shit my pants:(. 109 days until France, Paris France!!! 

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